Iphone · Publikationer

Gæld og rating

Det er Spar Nords målsætning at have en egentlig kernekapitalprocent (CET1) på 13,5 og en samlet kapitalprocent på 17,5.


Counterparty Risk RatingA1/P-1
Bank DepositsA1/P-1
Baseline Credit Assessmentbaa1
Adjusted Baseline Credit Assessmentbaa1
Counterparty Risk AssessmentA1(cr)/P-1(cr)
Senior Unsecured MTN(P)A1
Junior Senior UnsecuredA3
Junior Senior Unsecured MTN(P)A3
Subordinate MTN(P)Baa1




DK0030528187 250 M EUR SP due 2027 with call 2026 (Senior-Preferred)

DK0030514559 750 M DKK SP due 2025 with call 2024 (Senior-Preferred)

DK0030454129 1.35B DKK FRN NPS Due 2025 with call 2024 (Senior Non-Preferred)

DK0030454202 400M DKK FXD NPS Due 2025 with call 2024 (Senior Non-Preferred)

DK0030489349 800M SEK FRN NPS Due 2026 with call 2025 (Senior Non-Preferred)

NO0011002602 950M NOK FXD NPS Due 2026 with call 2025 (Senior Non-Preferred)

DK0030530597 300 M DKK SNP due 2026 with call 2025 (Senior-Non-Preferred)

DK0030511886 350M SEK FIX NPS Due 2027 with call 2026 (Senior Non-Preferred)

DK003050523972 25 M EUR SNP due 2027 with call 2026 (Senior Non-Preferred)

NO0012694316 200M NOK FRN NPS du 2027 bullet (Senior Non-Preferred)

NO0012694308 600M NOK FIX NPS du 2027 bullet (Senior Non-Preferred)

NO0011002537 750M NOK FRN NPS Due 2028 with call 2027 (Senior Non-Preferred)

DK0030515606 650 M SEK SNP due 2028 with call 2027 (Senior Non-Preferred)

DK0030515606 Tranche 2 450 M SEK SNP due 2028 with call 2027 (Senior Non-Preferred)

NO0012775487 724 M NOK SNP due 2028 with call 2027 (Senior Non-Preferred)

NO0013077719 800 M NOK SNP due 2029 with call 2028 (Senior-Non-Preferred)

DK0030537253 1 B SEK SNP due 2030 with call 2029 (Senior Non-Preferred)

DK0030432075 350 M FRN DKK Tier 2 Due 2029 with call 2024

DK0030432075 350 M FRN DKK Tier 2 Tilbud om tilbagekøb

DK0030432075 350 M FRN DKK Tier 2 Acceptblanket

DK0030431341 150 M FXD DKK Tier 2 Due 2029 with Call 2024

DK0030431341 150 M FXD DKK Tier 2 Tilbud om Tilbagekøb

DK0030431341 150 M FXD DKK Tier 2 Acceptblanket

NO0011037434 500M FXD NPS Due 2032 with call 2031 Tranche 1

NO0011037434 500M FXD NPS Due 2032 with call 2031 Tranche 2

DK0030537923 500 M DKK Tier 2 Due 2034 with call 2029

DK0030495742 200M FRN Tier2 Due 2033 with call 2028

DK0030510219 500M FXD Tier 2 Due 2032 with call 2027

DK0030524277 400 M DKK Tier 2 Due 2033 with call 2028

DK0030484464 600M FXD AT 1 Perpetual with call 2026

Head of Investor Relations

Rune Brandt Børglum

Det er min vigtigste opgave at sikre, at Spar Nord til enhver tid stiller retvisende, relevant og rettidig information til rådighed for bankens interessenter. Ring eller skriv endelig til mig, hvis du har spørgsmål eller kommentarer.